Why should we buy coriander seeds

Coriander seeds have many medicinal properties. By consuming coriander seeds, the body’s metabolism can be increased and it causes fat burning. Coriander seeds can be used to cleanse the body

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Why should we buy coriander seeds

Coriander is one of the plants that has a high nutritional value. It is used in India, South Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and China.

Coriander seeds have many medicinal properties. By consuming coriander seeds, the body’s metabolism can be increased and it causes fat burning.

Coriander seeds can be used to cleanse the body because this seed is a diuretic, it easily removes all toxins and excess water from the body and is very effective in treating colds.

Coriander seeds increase milk in lactating mothers and treat infectious diseases such as typhoid fever.

Coriander seeds can be chewed to relieve toothache. Coriander seeds can be used to relieve rheumatic pain and can also be used to treat headaches.

Coriander decoction is very effective for softening the breast by brewing 10 to 30 grams of coriander seeds in some water.

Coriander seeds increase heart strength and are regulating. Coriander seed regulates thyroid hormone and is very useful for thyroid diseases.




Coriander leaves

Eating coriander leaves with food prevents stomach acid. Coriander soup can be used to eliminate bad breath. The anti-flatulence properties of coriander leaves improve heartburn and are very useful for gum health.

It is also highly recommended to use coriander in traditional medicine to relieve laxity. The anti-inflammatory properties of coriander protect the body from diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s and reduce the cellular damage caused by seizures due to its abundant antioxidants.

Antimicrobial compounds in coriander improve gastrointestinal infections.

Coriander contains volatile oils such as coriander, amino acids, starches and sugars.

Coriander Ingredients

Coriander is composed of petrocephalic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C.

Its compounds contain water, fats, cellulose, essential oils, and calcium.

Coriander contains volatile oils such as coriander, amino acids, starches and sugars.

It also contains aromatic oils that help digest food. The phthalates and polystyrene in coriander have anti-cancer properties and protect the body.

In addition, coriander contains coumarin, which is one of the blood thinners. The antioxidant compounds of coriander have anti-inflammatory properties.


Coriander Sweat

Coriander sweat is one of the spirits that has been emphasized in traditional medicine for a long time. Coriander sweat is used to cure many diseases due to its vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and fiber.

Coriander sweat relieves fatigue and is energizing. This sweat helps cleanse the body and improves kidney function.

It is very effective in treating pimples and mouth ulcers and helps treat anemia due to its high iron content.

Its anti-inflammatory properties cure arthritis and protect the body against urinary tract infections. It is also very useful for regular menstruation of women.

One of the most important uses of coriander juice is for weight loss, which increases metabolism. It is a regulator for body tissues.

This sweat is also used to eliminate facial wrinkles by combining 150 cc of coriander juice with 10 grams of coriander seeds and 10 grams of lavender and putting it on heat for 10 minutes to inhale after smoothing. Apply this solution with honey and olive oil on the face.

Coriander sweat increases insulin secretion in the body, which is very effective in treating type 2 diabetes.

Consumption of coriander juice with sweet lemon juice and chicory juice is effective in improving the nerves and psyche.

Complications of coriander

Excessive consumption of coriander causes problems, so coriander should be consumed with a program.

You should not use coriander juice during pregnancy because it causes miscarriage and also because this sweat lowers blood pressure, it should not be used during pregnancy.

If you use too much coriander sweat, you will feel lethargic, numb and drowsy.

Coriander may aggravate some allergic sensitivities, so people with allergies should consume coriander with caution.

Coriander increases the effect of anti-diabetic drugs. Excessive consumption of coriander causes forgetfulness and sensory disturbances, as well as decreases sperm in men.

People with shortness of breath should not eat coriander.

Excessive consumption of coriander at night causes disturbed sleep. Excessive consumption of this plant also causes stuttering.

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The anti-flatulence properties of coriander leaves improve heartburn and are very useful for gum health.

Practical tip

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